Shri Kakaji Khandelwal

Shankarlalji Khandelwal, led life by principle and worked incessantly for the upliftment of society. His sole motto in life was to serve the society. He strongly believed in

सेवा है यज्ञ कुंड, समिधा सम हम जले,

ध्येय महासागर मे सरित रूप हम मिले।

He worked across various sectors viz educational, financial, journalistic, political, medical, social etc. so as to help the people. He shouldered all the responsibilities that came on his way. He had to fight many odds but he emerged victorious with his perseverance and hard work. He believed in righteousness and never diverged from his principles irrespective of hardships he had to face in his life. A self made man, he started his life with an extremely humble beginning. After his matriculation, he worked for 75/- month salary. His father sold small articles by the roadside. His elder brother worked at 15/- per month salary. Yet, slowly and steadily with firm determination, he not only helped his family but also started working for the society. Reading good books, newspapers and listening to influential people was his hobby. He earned inspiration from them and as the luck would have had it, his introduction to RSS in 1937 set the aim and objective of his life.

What vast contribution and positive change a person can bring, can be learnt from the life of Kakaji Khandelwal. It is hence because of this, we thought to celebrate his birth centenary year so as to bring in front of the present generation his life sketch, work and sacrifice - to inspire the youth to work for the society.